Thursday, February 08, 2007


WHEW!!! long time--no posting!

Well, back at it--took a short break from Turbo Jam for the holidays and I am back to it! I did really well over the holidays--talking about them--and didn't gain anything. I am down to 173, as of yesterday morning, just about 50 pounds or so left to go! Never thought I would be saying that, looking at where I came from 10 years ago.

Eating wise, I am going back to Nurishing Traditions--that is what I was following when I had my HUGE weight break thru last year, and I am hoping for simular results this year--provided that dh and I don't get pg!! Which we are trying for, and hopefully, will be able to this year, with the help of our RE Dr F. I really enjoy NT, because we are not eating the SAD (standard American Diet) of white flour, white sugar and 'fake fats/foods'. NT focuses on the diets that our grandparents ate 'down on the farm'--a 100 years or so ago. I feel so much better eating this way! Focusing on whole grains, healthy meats, no white sugars/flours/pasta, eating sour dough breads... good stuff!! Even eating butter!

Ok-almost time to get the kidlet up for school! Be back later with my food diary!!

Monday, May 22, 2006


Good morning!!

I am going to have to change my WOWY time till 9am until after the bugster is out of school, then I am going to move it to 7am, I am thinking. I have been working out at 6am, but Dh has been working such long hours (14-16 hours a day!!) that he has been calling me about 5:30 or so in the am to chat for a bit, since we don't see each other much before its time for bed, and I don't want to cut our chats short--ykwim?

WOW I can't believe that it will soon be a month that I have been doing Turbo Jam-I just don't know where the time has gone?? I haven't lost much weight wise, but I have lost a lot in inches--which is a good thing too! Replacing that squishy stuff with toned up muscles. Can't beat that!

Still pondering the weight stuff. Wondering if NT is the way to go while I am trying to loose weight, or if I should do a lower fat route and then switch to NT when I have lost my weight. I have done well on it, but I am just concerned cause I have a lot to loose, been watching what I eat, and have been excercising a lot and still haven't lost even really a pound a week. I suppose that is better for long term weight loss, and actually keeping it off, but I would sure like it to come off faster!!

Breakfast-- 1 cup old fashioned oatmeal (cooked) 2 cups black coffee (3:30 am--thinking about a snack about now!)

Saturday, May 20, 2006


Missed yesterday--just wasn't moving very fast--dh worked till midnight and then we only got 3 hours of sleep, so I was just too tired and wonky to workout yesterday. Did well with my eating and I when I hopped on the scale today, I was down 1.5 pounds--can't beat that! Still really loving TJ-- wasn't able to get the deluxe set last friday, but hopefully next week, I will be able to pick it up.

Crafting wise, I am working on some baby things for a lady who is pg with twins. They are anticipating that the girls are only going to be about 5 lbs. There are lots of people making things for them--it was a post on the charity crafting list I am on--so I am making a couple diaper shirts and some little sun dresses. I am also knitting a couple blankets--but I am not sure if they will be done in time.

Well--gotta go figure out what to do for breakfast--dh usually makes waffles, but he had to work I am not sure if I will make pancakes or waffles. Ok, my one bad meal of the week!

Thursday, May 18, 2006


ACK!!! Major downfall on keeping up with my journal! I think I am going to take a page from irish-robbie and just post every day!

Today was Cardio-party 1 and ab jam. I have decided to alt between Turbo Scult and the 3t-tubular workouts, after I have done some form of TJ cardio. I am hoping to get the deluxe set a week from tomorrow.... well order it anyway. Been having a bit of a stressful day, so haven't gotten as much done today as I should. Well... it is only 11am, so maybe I will get more done... but really need to talk to hubby, and he left his cell home *sigh*.

Anyhoo..... Haven't lost much weight wise, but I have sure lost a lot in inches! I have even had neighbors comment! I am feeling much better--really liking NT.
So far today, I have had--
Breakfast--yogurt and black coffee
Lunch-- smoothie with whole fat yogurt, banana, a few frozen strawberries, raw organic egg, flax seed. Also 4 small slices homemade sourdough bread, a bit of raw milk cheese and 1/2 a cucumber.
Dinner--leftover meatloaf and maybe some whole wheat pasta... not sure what to have with it yet.

Here's a cool thing that I found on another blog out there in cyberspace.

You Are Midnight

You are more than a little eccentric, and you're apt to keep very unusual habits.

Whether you're a nightowl, living in a commune, or taking a vow of silence - you like to experiment with your lifestyle.

Expressing your individuality is important to you, and you often lie awake in bed thinking about the world and your place in it.

You enjoy staying home, but that doesn't mean you're a hermit. You also appreciate quality time with family and close friends.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Opps! Missed a few days--

My TJ dvd's showed up today!!!!! I am so happy!!!! I have watched the Learn and Burn dvd, and now I am going to go run thru it. It looks like the moves will be pretty easy to pick up. I feel really good about getting started on this. Here is to a new me!!!!

Thursday, April 20, 2006


Good Mornin!

Just got done doing my cardio for the morning, and now I am debating about breakfast. I figure this is going to turn into a daily journal of what I am doing/eating/excercise/etc. I am debating between eggs and oatmeal for brekkie. Maybe a small bit of oatmeal and an egg. Now that sounds good! LOL

On the crafting front, I am working on squares for baby blankets, and knitted teddy bears to go into little tote bags for kiddos in socail services to take when they go to thier foster parents. I am trying to focus more on just a few projects this year, rather then trying to get a bunch done for each month. I am also considering the 'power of one'. One hat, one pair of booties, one blanket, means that one more baby or child has something to keep them warm.

Ok--off for breakfast! I may be back later for an update :)

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Welcome to my blog!!

I ordered my Turbo Jam on Sunday (4/16) and I am now waiting some-what patiently for it to arrive! I live-chatted with customer service this morning and they told me that it is ready to ship and should be here in 5-7 biz days. Yippee!!

I have been doing other cardio waiting for it to arrive--things like cardio strip tease and other just cardio tapes. Diet wise, I have been following Nurishing Traditions and Eat Fat, Lose Fat. They focus on eating as our ancestors did--not cavemen, but how our grandparents did 'down on the farm'. Whole foods, soaked grains, sourdough bread, lacto-fermented foods, like pickles, kimchi and sourkraut. Big emphasis on using raw, or at least organic, milk, cheeses, butter and free range eggs. Organic veggies and fruit, home made salad dressings, and the use of coconut oils. Ok, so some of those things, my ancestors didn't have in scandinavia, but a lot they did. oh and I have cut out all white flour/pasta/rice and sugars--except for a drizzle of organic maple syrup!

Breakfast for me is usually a bowl of steel cut oats (soaked overnight in water) with a pat of butter and a drizzle of organic maple syrup. I have a glass of milk and my vitamins and cod liver oil and I am good go until just about lunch time (I eat breakfast about 3:30 am with dh). One thing I have found, is using a bit of fat in my meals helps keep my blood sugar level, I am satisfied for much longer and I don't snack nearly as much. Ok, so I will have a small snack at my 'down time' at 3:00--usually a piece of fruit and a couple nuts or a slice of cheese. Lunches usually are soup, bread and a salad, or soup and a sandwich. Dinner tends to be (at least the last 3 weeks) soup and bread, and I have been adding a side salad. I feel really good on this plan. I am going to try and stick with the no food 3 hours before bed. Dh and I ate very lightly today as we were out looking at manufactured homes today. He had his sandwiches that were left from work and I had a curried chicken sandwich and we ate about 4:30 or so... so a tad hungry now, but trying to be strong! So today, all I have had is the oatmeal at 3:30, and then the sandwich. And lots of water!!!

Here's to turbo jammin!!!